Review: Later, He Became a Royal Healer

Date 2020-07-16
Language Chinese
Media Novel
Original Title 后来,他成了御用奶妈
Author Yan Gui Kang (艳归康)
Original Status Complete
Translation Status Complete
Romance? M/M


  • The sexual tension and build-up to the relationship was fantastically done.
  • Really funny and entertaining gameplay segments.


  • The cartoon violence of You Liangxing beating up everyone around him kind of makes him sound unhinged & dangerous rather than just someone goofing off or roughhousing
  • Kang Shengzhe's cringy juvenile humor after they get together really puts a damper on all their romantic moments with second-hand embarrassment.

A fun gaming novel with some very eccentric characters & kind of whacky humor. The main relationship is between a livestreamer & skilled gamer, Kang Shengzhe, who is shameless, lazy and loves sleeping in with You Liangxing, a rich son of a businessman & actress who recently got roped into playing a game and meets Kang Shengzhe by chance. It's mostly light-hearted shenanigans, with a lot of really well-written UST. The shirtless boxing chapter was a treat. In comparison, I feel that the relationship actually tapered off and became less interesting once they got together.

The author's humor, especially, didn't quite work for me. It was fine at the start. But the cartoon violence of You Liangxing beating up everyone around him kind of makes him sound unhinged & dangerous rather than just someone goofing off or roughhousing, though that's clearly how the author intends it. And uh... Kang Shengzhe is really really shameless about saying some very embarrassing stuff, which gets exponentially worse when the two of them actually become a couple.

I don't know if I can rec this whole-heartedly but if you're looking for a quick popcorn read, there's a lot of good stuff, especially in the first half of the book.